
Breast Reconstruction

Orange County, Beverly Hills, Los Angeles

What is Breast Reconstruction?

Breast Reconstruction is a surgical procedure performed to rebuild a breast after mastectomy or lumpectomy due to breast cancer treatment or other medical conditions. It aims to restore breast shape, symmetry, and appearance of the breast for patients who have undergone removal of part or all of the breast. Breast reconstruction can be performed at the time of mastectomy or lumpectomy (immediate breast reconstruction). If a patient has already undergone mastectomy or lumpectomy, delayed breast reconstruction can be performed to rebuild the shape of the breast.

Who is a Good Candidate for Breast Reconstruction?

Candidates for Breast Reconstruction typically have the following characteristics:

How Much Does Breast Reconstruction Cost?

The cost of Breast Reconstruction varies depending on factors such as the type of reconstruction, surgical technique, and geographic location. During a consultation, your surgeon will provide a personalized cost estimate based on your specific needs and goals.

What are the Different Types of Breast Reconstruction?

There are several different types of breast reconstruction, including implant-based reconstruction and autologous breast reconstruction. For implant-based reconstruction, implants are used to recreate the breast mound. In autologous breast reconstruction, the patient’s own tissue (often from the abdomen or back) is used to reconstruct the breast. Each option has its advantages and considerations. The surgeons at California Plastic Surgery Group will discuss these options with you and will develop a plan that meets your individual needs and goals for Breast Reconstruction.

What Should I Expect During a Breast Reconstruction Consultation?

A Breast Reconstruction consultation typically includes:


  • Discussion of your concerns and goals.
  • Review of your medical history.
  • Physical examination of your breast tissue.
  • Details about the surgical procedure and reconstruction options.
  • Creation of a customized treatment plan tailored to your goals.

How Do I Prepare for Breast Reconstruction Surgery?

Preparing for Breast Reconstruction involves several essential steps to ensure a smooth and successful procedure. Your surgeon will provide specific pre-operative instructions, which may include:

What are the Benefits of Breast Reconstruction?

Patients who undergo Breast Reconstruction often experience the following benefits:

Where are the Incisions and Scars for Breast Reconstruction?

Incision locations and scarring for Breast Reconstruction depend on the chosen reconstruction method. Your surgeon will discuss incision options and scarring, as well as post-operative scar care during your consultation.

What to Expect During Your Breast Reconstruction Recovery

Breast Reconstruction recovery can vary depending on the type of reconstruction that is performed. After Breast Reconstruction, you may experience some swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort, which can be managed with prescribed medications. Full recovery time varies depending on the reconstruction technique but may take several weeks to months.

Why Choose Us for Breast Reconstruction?

Our team of experienced plastic surgeons specializes in advanced Breast Reconstruction and Breast Reconstruction revision procedures and is dedicated to delivering exceptional patient care. We combine our technical expertise with an aesthetic approach to provide aesthetic Breast Reconstruction to patients.


We serve patients in Orange County, Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, and the surrounding communities.

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