
Breast Implant Removal

Orange County, Beverly Hills, Los Angeles

What is a Breast Implant Removal?

Breast Implant Removal, also known as Explantation Surgery, is a procedure aimed at removing breast implants from the body. It is often performed for various reasons, including personal preference, medical issues, or dissatisfaction with the results of a previous breast augmentation. Breast implant removal can help restore a more natural breast appearance and alleviate any associated discomfort or concerns.

Who is a Good Candidate for Breast Implant Removal?

Candidates for breast implant removal typically include individuals who:

How Much Does Breast Implant Removal Cost in Orange County and Los Angeles?

The cost of a breast implant removal can vary based on factors such as the extent of the procedure, facility fees, anesthesia costs, and post-operative care. During your consultation at California Plastic Surgery Group (CPSG), your surgeon will create a personalized surgical plan based on your specific needs and circumstances. The team will then provide you with a quote for your breast implant removal.

What Should I Expect During a Consultation for Breast Implant Removal?

During a consultation for breast implant removal, patients can expect:


  • A discussion of their goals, concerns, and reasons for wanting implant removal.
  • An evaluation of their medical history and current breast health.
  • A physical examination of the breasts to assess the condition of the implants and surrounding tissues.
  • Detailed information about the breast implant removal procedure, including potential risks and complications.
  • A customized treatment plan tailored to the individual’s goals and anatomy.


The surgeon will guide the patient through the breast implant removal process, addressing any questions or concerns and providing support throughout the decision-making process.

How Do I Prepare for Breast Implant Removal Surgery?

Preparing for breast implant removal surgery may involve:


  • Discussing any medications, supplements, or health conditions with the surgeon.
  • Avoiding smoking and nicotine products, as they can affect healing and increase the risk of complications.
  • Arranging for transportation to and from the surgical facility on the day of the procedure.
  • Planning for post-operative care and recovery, including time off work and assistance with daily activities if needed.
  • Following any specific pre-operative instructions provided by the surgeon to optimize safety and outcomes.

What are the Benefits of Breast Implant Removal?

Patients who undergo breast implant removal may experience benefits such as:

What are the Steps of Breast Implant Removal Surgery?

During breast implant removal surgery, the following steps are typically involved:

Where are the Incisions and Scars for Breast Implant Removal?

The location of incisions and resulting scars for breast implant removal depends on factors such as the type of implants, previous incision sites, and surgical technique. Surgeons strive to minimize visible scarring and may utilize existing incisions whenever possible. Over time, scars typically fade and become less noticeable.

What to Expect During Your Breast Implant Removal Recovery

After breast implant removal surgery, patients can expect:


  • Recovery in a monitored setting before being discharged home.
  • Post-operative care instructions, including information on wound care, pain management, and activity restrictions.
  • Swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the chest area, which can be managed with prescribed medications and proper rest.
  • Follow-up appointments with the surgeon to monitor healing progress and address any concerns.
  • The duration of the recovery period varies depending on individual factors and the extent of surgery.

Why Choose Us for a Breast Implant Removal?

CPSG is dedicated to providing exceptional care and achieving optimal outcomes for patients seeking breast implant removal. Our team of experienced plastic surgeons combines technical expertise with a compassionate approach to help patients achieve their aesthetic goals safely and effectively. If you’re considering breast implant removal, schedule a consultation with us to explore your options and receive personalized recommendations.


We serve patients in Orange County, Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, and the surrounding communities.

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